reasoning over biomedical objects linked in knowledge oriented pathways

ROBOKOP is an open-source, modular, knowledge graph (KG)–based system that includes several key components: a biomedical KG; a user interface and associated question-builder tool; a collection of harmonized and interoperable knowledge sources, represented as KGs in a service called Automat and accessible via application programming interfaces; and a variety of supporting resources, including reasoning algorithms and tools to support deep exploration of the ROBOKOP KG and the Automat KGs. The ROBOKOP question-building tool allows users to construct queries, submit them to ROBOKOP, and receive scored-and-ranked answers that can be dynamically explored. The ROBOKOP Automat allows for programmatic access to the ROBOKOP KG and the Automat collection of harmonized biomedical KGs.

Additional Tools


If you use ROBOKOP in your work, please cite the following papers:

  1. Bizon C, Cox S, Balhoff J, Kebede Y, Wang P, Morton K, Fecho K, Tropsha A. ROBOKOP KG and KGB: integrated knowledge graphs from federated sources. J Chem Inf Model 2019 Dec 23;59(12):4968–4973. doi: 10.1021/acs.jcim.9b00683.
  2. Morton K, Wang P, Bizon C, Cox S, Balhoff J, Kebede Y, Fecho K, Tropsha A. ROBOKOP: an abstraction layer and user interface for knowledge graphs to support question answering. Bioinformatics 2019;pii:btz604. doi: 10.1093/bioinformatics/btz604.


ROBOKOP is a joint creation of the Renaissance Computing Institute (RENCI) at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and CoVar LLC. The prototype was developed with funding from the National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences, National Institutes of Health (award #OT2TR002514). ROBOKOP's continued development is supported with joint funding from the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences and the Office of Data Science Strategy within the National Institutes of Health (award #U24ES035214).


ROBOKOP is available under the MIT license.


ROBOKOP has weekly office hours from 2-3pm EST. View details on our calendar or subscribe with the ICS file.


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